Vicray K&B "Silver Birch" - Cloth and 4 Napkins
Made of cotton and rayon (my best bet), this cloth evokes the mountain lake retreat - fresh fish grilling, fireplace at work, sun going down behind the pines and birch. The cloth measures 31.5 x 36.5 and there are four napkins measuring 9.5" x 10.5". While the cloth is a saturated medium blue, the napkins are shades of grey. This was intentional. I have seen this cloth in red and the napkins were grey, as well.
This design is attributed to Vicray K&B.
This set was owned by a collector. I do not know if he purchased it unused. While he owned it, the cloth was used but covered with clear plastic and never washed. I washed it. I find that even when carefully stored, linens pick up dust and dirt.